May 3 , 2019
Flash Card Knowledge ReviewCompleted 128 flash card reviews
Added 10 new cards
Watched/Study - Spent a bunch more time trying to wrap my head around CBWFQ, and reconcile what I am reading with what I am seeing in my lab (uggg!)
Read stuff from CiscoDoc CD, some INE blog posts, and the End-to-End Qos Network Design book. Giving up for now to do the daily labs :/
Lab cards completed
Automatic 6to4 Tunneling
IPv6 Tunneling
RIPng Metric Manipulation
IPv6 Embedded RP
IPv6 Unique Local Addressing
OSPF Network Point-to-Multipoint
IPsec VPNs with Crypto Maps
Multicast Helper Map
RIPng Default Routing
Bidirectional PIM
OSPF Internal Summarization
ISATAP Tunneling
RIPng Metric Manipulation
PE-CE Routing with OSPF
BGP Update Source Modification
Nick, you are an inspiration. Keep up the good work